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Repair Uneven Skin Tone With an IPL Photofacial

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Are you self-conscious or embarrassed about your uneven skin tone? An IPL photofacial may be just what you need. This innovative skin treatment uses intense pulsed light to target sun damage, age spots, and other discolorations that make you feel frustrated. All it takes is several treatment sessions to see a dramatic improvement in skin appearance.

IPL photofacials are becoming increasingly popular for individuals who want an effective, noninvasive treatment to beautify their skin. See how our team at About Face & Body Medical Spa helps patients achieve a healthier-looking complexion by scheduling an appointment in Katy, TX. Our goal is to offer exceptional services in a comfortable and professional setting.

What causes uneven skin tone?

Many factors can lead to skin discoloration and uneven skin tone. Prolonged sun exposure is the most common cause of dark spots and age spots, along with tanning beds that emit harmful UV rays. Hormone changes due to pregnancy and menopause, some medications, and certain health conditions can also lead to discolored skin.

How does IPL work?

IPL treatments deliver high-energy pulses of light to specific problem areas of the skin. It penetrates below the surface of the skin and dissolves the cells that create pigment issues. As a result, your complexion lightens and evens out over time as new healthy skin cells replace the damaged ones. IPL photofacials will fade out any irregularities and leave your face looking and feeling radiant in Katy, TX.

What are the benefits of IPL?

Because this innovative treatment requires little downtime, patients can resume activities as normal following a session. You may have some redness, but this subsides in just a few days. Many patients choose IPL photofacials because they offer optimal skin rejuvenation without the potential side effects, risks, and downtime associated with other skin treatments, such as microdermabrasion or chemical peels.

How do I take care of my skin after IPL?

Since sun damage is the leading cause of skin discoloration, it's important to practice sun safety and avoid prolonged exposure to UV rays between sessions. This means avoiding tanning beds or using sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 during treatment and for several months afterward. Wear a hat when spending time outdoors.

When you meet with the skin care team at About Face & Body Medical Spa, we can review other ways to treat your complexion with care. These include:

  • Keep your skin clean and moisturized using gentle, fragrance-free products

  • Protect your skin against harsh weather conditions

  • Avoid skin products that use harsh chemicals or exfoliants

  • Don't pick or scratch your skin, as this can cause discoloration or scarring

  • Drink water to keep your skin hydrated and refreshed

  • Schedule follow-up IPL sessions as recommended by our staff

Reduce sun damage and pigmentation issues

Uneven skin tone can feel embarrassing, but it's no match for the skin care team at About Face & Body Medical Spa. Our trusted team offers IPL photofacials in Katy, TX to help you attain a healthier-looking complexion in no time. If you have questions about IPL or want to learn how it can benefit your skin, set up a consultation with our team. We are proud to offer innovative skin treatments and state-of-the-art care.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.